The AI Chicks HOT TAKES on the Headlines

In this episode of The Ai Chicks serve up sizzling hot takes on the latest AI headlines, diving into the world of tech giants and AI-powered innovation. They dissect Apple's strategic moves within the AI landscape, ponder the existential and practical implications of humanoid robots entering our daily lives, and discuss customer service solutions by companies like Klarna, sparking a thought-provoking debate on AI's potential to disrupt job markets. Tune in for an episode with this duo covering speculation, excitement, and the cutting-edge of AI advancements.

Show Notes


With no expert guest this episode, our dynamic duo - Aisha Corpas Wynn and Lana Hout - get into the HOT TAKES on the latest in AI news, particularly focusing on Big Tech companies, robotics, chat bots, and AI’s elimination of jobs.

EPISODE COVERS:1. Apple's AI advancements and market strategy

1. Apple's partnerships and Darwin AI acquisition

2. Apple's perception in the marketplace

3. OpenAI collaboration

4. Smartphones and Wearables

5. Robots replacing mundane tasks, humanoids emerging

6. Robotics vs. human touch

7. Pasadena's AI-powered burger joint experience

8. OpenAI's humanoid, AGI advancements, real-life interactions

9. OpenAI tech's reality show unfolds

10. Klarna's chatbot efficiency versus job impact

11. Exploring new careers

12. AI's industry adaptations

AI chicks, AI for all, artificial intelligence, podcast, Apple, Google, Darwin AI, generative AI tools, AI race, Nvidia, OpenAI, neural networks, chat GPT, Siri, strategic partnerships, AI acquisitions, AI investments, humanoid robots, robotic AI masseuse, robotic burger restaurant, AGI (Artificial General Intelligence), AI agents, AI drama, customer service chatbots, AI automation, AI monetization, job elimination, tech industry, AI adaptation, AI application


00:00 Apple overlooked in AI market.

03:34 Company shifting resources to focus on AI.

09:33 Robotic advancements without full human features preferred.

12:16 Using robotics and humanoids where most beneficial.

16:06 Monetization through AI and chatbots, job impact.

19:23 AI replacing certain job roles entirely.

20:32 Prepare for AI impact on your industry.


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